Relationships and Your Cycle

Understanding your cycle can help us have better sex, improved communication, fewer disagreements and a lot more love, both romantically and platonically!
Adam Hamdi
Written by

Coni Longden Jefferson

Anyone who has a period knows that your needs and emotions change as your hormones fluctuate through your cycle  - but how do these changes impact our relationships and how we communicate with our partners, and others around us? 

Understanding your cycle can help us have better sex, improved communication, fewer disagreements and a lot more love, both romantically and platonically!  

We want your relationships to be as harmonious as your hormones, so here we’ve broken down exactly what’s happening at each phase and how to harness the power of your cycle for improved communication. 

Key Takeaways


  • During your period, you probably need quiet, rest and comfort. 
  • Your follicular phase is the perfect time for date nights and fun nights out  - you’re feeling fun and sociable! 
  • Your sex drive is usually highest during ovulation and your increased libido can also come with increased confidence.  
  • As you enter your luteal phase, you may be more sensitive and have less patience, understanding that and communicating that to others around you can be helpful. 


Phase 1 - Menstruation

The first day of your period is also Day One of your menstrual cycle - so that’s where we kick things off.  When thinking about our menstrual cycle as seasons, menstruation is known as Winter - a time for rest and hibernation.

Of course, for some people, this can be a time of increased pain (hello period cramps) and with progesterone and oestrogen pretty low we can also be facing some fatigue, so rest is really important. 

You can also find that you are mentally, as well as physically drained, and this can have an impact on your communication skills.

As people with periods, we are often desperate to prove that we are just as capable when we’re bleeding (and of course we can still achieve incredible things in our menstruation phase!)  

But don’t be afraid to surrender a little. Our inner winter can also be a lovely time to focus on ourselves and our needs - letting go of the pressure to be productive or putting on a brave face! 

What this means for our relationships: 

Don’t be afraid to cancel plans with friends or your partner if that’s what your body needs. Rather than making an excuse, why not try explaining exactly how you’re feeling and why? The more we normalise conversations around periods, the more understanding people will be. 

If you feel up for socialising but period pain is cramping your style, the wireless Myoovi device can give you pain relief on the go!   


Phase 2 - Follicular

As your period ends and your oestrogen begins to rise, your follicular feels take over - and they are usually pretty fabulous!  

Oestrogen is a feel-good hormone (we like to call it the Beyoncé of hormones!) that helps boost your communication skills, your confidence and your desire to be spontaneous and sociable - which can be good news for our relationships. 

Our follicular phase is when we would be out there looking to attract a mate, ready for our fertile window to hit, so you may feel more flirtatious than usual. The confidence that comes with our increase in oestrogen can have an impact on the way we walk, talk and hold ourselves and can make us more attractive - in fact, some studies found that men reported being more attracted to the faces of women who were heading towards ovulation! 

During your follicular phase, you’re more likely to enjoy getting out of your comfort zone than at other phases of your cycle when you might feel more reserved. 

What this means for our relationships: 

If you are single, this is the perfect time to go on a first date! You’ll likely feel less nervous and overwhelmed and will be able to really showcase your charm! Likewise, if you are looking to expand your social circle, this is a great time to join a new club or go to a party where you don’t know many people, you’ll be holding court by the end of the night for sure! 

If you’re in a relationship, this is also a great opportunity to find connection through fun. If your cycle is regular you could even pre-plan adventurous dates for this time - something for you both to look forward to during menstruation hibernation… 


Phase 3 - Ovulation

Ovulation usually arrives at the midpoint of your cycle - but this can vary from person to person. One of the best ways to know when and if you are ovulating is to track your fertile signs like cervical mucus and basal body temperature. 

Ovulation is known as ‘Summer’ because things are hotting up - literally and figuratively! 

As this is your most fertile time, unsurprisingly, your libido is generally pretty high, thanks to an increase in testosterone. You may feel more sexy than usual and notice increased confidence in the bedroom! 

Even if you’re not sexually active you can harness the power of ovulation to your advantage. Many people feel like this is the peak of their communication skills, productivity and self-esteem - which makes it a magic time for work interviews, pitches and important meetings.   

What this means for our relationships: 

Obviously, an increased sex drive can be wonderful for our romantic relationships! You could use this as an opportunity to explore new things with your partner, talk to them about what really pleases you and take control when initiating sex. 

However - a few things to remember. Firstly this is your most fertile time, so whether you are trying to conceive or not, this is important to communicate to your partner. If baby-making is not on the cards for you right now - make sure you use protection. 

Also, not everyone feels amazing during ovulation. The dramatic hormonal shifts can cause pain, bloating and irritability. Communicating this with your partner will help them understand the nuances of your unique cycle and remember - just because your libido may be higher, does not mean sex has to be on the cards if it doesn't feel right for you. 


Phase 4 - Luteal Phase

The time between ovulation and your next period is known as your luteal phase - or Autumn - but you may know it as your pre-menstrual time. 

This time gets a bad reputation and many of us associate it with PMS. 48% of women said they felt PMS impacted their relationship, so understanding how to support your hormones - as well as communicate with your partner - during this time can help both your mental well-being and your relationship. 

However, the luteal phase can indeed be a time of increased sensitivity, lower confidence and less patience - and that’s down to our increased progesterone levels. 

In theory, progesterone should have a calming effect on our bodies - and if we honour this time in our cycles by resting and taking it slow, you can definitely feel that. The sometimes manic vibe of our follicular and ovulatory phases dissipates and we can move through the world more calmly. 

However, as our oestrogen levels are lower during this phase of our cycle - our tolerance levels can also be pretty low! This is why it’s so important to communicate your needs with your friends and partner around this time. 

What this means for our relationships: 

Our communication skills may not be as sharp during our luteal phase, so it can be helpful to talk to your partner about your needs ahead of time. 

Whether that’s a need for more space, more support, or more patience, try to be really explicit about how your luteal phase affects you and how you can navigate it together without irritability exploding into arguments! 

It’s also important to remember that extreme PMS is not normal, and if you feel like your luteal phase affects your mental wellbeing so much that it has a dramatic effect on your relationships, that could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. MyCycle can help to keep your hormones and your mood smoother, but it might also be with talking to your doctor.